Archive for October, 2016

The Ongoing Battle For Liberty

Posted in Liberty, Politics with tags , , , , , , , on October 30, 2016 by authorcarloscardoso


The kangaroo trial in Oregon of our political prisoners is over. Against all odds with a judge who tried everything in her power to suppress the truth and the defendant’s ability to properly defend themselves; they were acquitted of all charges. The real criminals are the agents of the federal government and they must be held accountable for their actions. Liberty has won a huge victory with the acquittal of these seven patriots. Yes we have won a battle but make no mistake the war has only just begun. Many patriots were intimidated into pleading guilty, the Hammonds were incarcerated for a second time on the same charges, the assassination of Lavoy Finicum and the trials in Nevada for the Bunkerville incident still need to be resolved and justice needs to be served.

Liberty is under siege by a corrupt and lawless federal government that needs to be held accountable for their crimes against the American people. The best thing that we as individual liberty loving patriots is to shine the light of truth on the evil being perpetrated in the darkness by an evil government and a complicit media. Remember that this trial with all its implications for liberty and constitutional government were completely ignored by the media until the acquittal which they could not hide.

Speak out America against the tyrants in Nevada, Oregon and now North Dakota. Evil thrives in the darkness and that is why the media is mostly silent on these usurpations of our unalienable rights and the criminal acts perpetrated by the government sworn to serve and protect us and our constitutional republic. Education of the people of the nature of the fight being waged against us by the statist elite tyrants will help unite the American people.

The government and their puppet propagandist media is lying to us and trying to divide us. Be wise enough to see beyond the lies. Americans of all stripes must unite against these tyrants. We must come together as Americans with no hyphenations and no divisions in common purpose in the defense of liberty and our unalienable rights. We should remember the then inspiring words of a candidate for Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama who said, “Now even as we speak, there are those who are preparing to divide us, the spin masters and negative ad peddlers who embrace the politics of anything goes. Well, I say to them tonight, there’s not a liberal America and a conservative America; there’s the United States of America. There’s not a black America and white America and Latino America and Asian America; there’s the United States of America.”

The irony is the beautiful words were true but used by the forces of darkness and tyranny to fool us. The shame of it all is that Americans were deceived by this fraud of a man and puppet of the tyrants who wish to enslave and in some cases eradicate us for believing in the promise of America. America showed her greatness when this black man was overwhelmingly elected president. We sought a president to unite us as one people as he spoke of us being; instead we got the most divisive president in all of American history. This man has set us one upon the other along the lines of race, creed, religion, sexual orientation and wealth.

He and his cohorts along with their minions have set race relations back to a place before many of us were born or old enough to remember. We must reject this false narrative and the groups paid to espouse hate. We must unite in common purpose with great determination and faith in Divine Providence and embrace our destiny as the defenders of liberty. Together we are many, we are strong and we are invincible.

I implore you to find the courage inside to be an agent of true change and help restore our great republic and the liberty and values we were founded on. Let us defeat tyranny once and for all so that the spark of liberty shines so bright that no would be tyrant could find enough darkness to hide in and plot against us. Let us build that beautiful united country we were told about. It is within our hearts, minds and souls to build a world where liberty flourishes and Humanity prospers.



We Are Many

Posted in Liberty, Unalienable Rights with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on October 26, 2016 by authorcarloscardoso

alg-glenn-beck-crowd-jpgThe federal government is out of control and has broken the chains of the Constitution designed to bind it. It has grown in size, scope, cost and outright usurpation of the liberty of the American people it was designed to represent. The powers this government has amassed to itself are truly incredible and the founding fathers would be appalled and outraged. The police state they have put in place in a country that was born in liberty is a disgrace.

We live in a country where our police are armed beyond the capability of most countries’ armies. We have departments outside the enumerated powers delegated to it armed with ammunition that is illegal to use in war, so what or who is it intended to be used for or against? Who is our government really targeting as enemies, foreigners as they claim or patriots who they fear?

Instead we have a government that contrary to our Fourth Amendment rights illegally searches us, uses technology to track us much more than even Edward Snowden revealed to us. They say that they are collecting metadata to find patterns of who is communicating with whom especially with people in other parts of the world to protect us against terrorists when that is an outright lie. They have built a surveillance police state that is worse than imagined in George Orwell’s novel 1984.

They track our every move through our smartphones which have now become ubiquitous through its GPS capability even if the phone is turned off. They assured us that the collection of metadata didn’t mean that they were listening to American’s conversations when whether you choose to believe it or not they are. Everything we say or do on the internet is monitored and though they may publicly deny it they want us to know it. They want us to believe that with all these capabilities that to quote a phrase, “resistance is futile”. They have cameras everywhere many equipped with facial recognition capabilities to watch us to augment their GPS tracking abilities to know where we are and whom we are associating with at all times.

You would think that with all this in place to be used against the American people that we would be powerless to take back our government and make it the servant of the people it was intended to be. Yet nothing is further from the truth for there is strength in numbers and the truth is there are more American patriots who understand our history and the historical legacy of our founding than the would be tyrants think and that is why they fear us. They know that our understanding of liberty if explained in an easily, understandable and eloquent manner can influence and change the hearts and mind of the American people and expand our numbers.

We understand what George Washington meant when he said that,”Government is not reason; it is not eloquent; it is a force. Like fire, it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master,” That is why we will and must educate the American people against the indoctrination that they’ve grown accustomed to and insist that the federal government be limited to its enumerated powers in the constitution.

The key thing to remember is that we are many. There are millions of liberty loving Americans left who will proudly and gladly take on the challenge to spark an awakening of the power and beauty of liberty. We will speak out against tyranny without fear. We will not be cowed into silence regardless of the attempts to intimidate us. There are more of us than there are of you. You may silence some of us like Andrew Breitbart and Antonin Scalia but for every voice you silence like the hydra of legends at least three more of us will rise to take their place.

The statists, tyrants and media have made every attempt to divide the American people across every possible line they can but we will not be fooled. We understand that in the righteous cause of individual liberty we have more in common than any false narrative driven to divide us. We know that we are many and that together we cannot be defeated. It took three percent of the American colonists to defeat the mighty British Empire but let the tyrants be put on notice that we are many more than that.

We will not be silent! We will not be intimidated or give in to fear. We will spread the word of liberty and of our unalienable rights. We are many and our message of truth will shine on the darkness of deceit that the tyrants hide behind. We are many and our light of truth shall overcome the darkness until the tyrants are exposed like cockroaches when the light is turned on. And just like cockroaches they will scatter before the light exposes them to be crushed. We are many and we shall overcome against the seemingly insurmountable odds. Liberty is humanity’s ultimate destiny and nothing or no one can stand in the way of our fate. We know that the Creator wishes for Mankind to be free so victory over tyranny is assured.

My Thoughts On What This Election Should Be About

Posted in Liberty, Politics, Presidential Election with tags , , on October 7, 2016 by authorcarloscardoso


I was asked what I thought the issues are that deserve the greatest amount of attention at this time in the presidential election cycle. I’d have to say that cutting the size and scope of government is an issue that must be accomplished to make America great again. Our federal government has overstepped its constitutional authority establishing too many federal agencies. These agencies pass regulations that are enforced as if they had the power of law and are burdensome, impossible for the common citizen to know little less navigate. Basically they can find anyone guilty of some transgression without even knowing it. We need to get rid of these agencies and restore liberty.

We have militarized our police and government agencies beyond what is reasonable. We have government agencies with hollow point bullets which are against the rules of law according to the Geneva Convention. These agencies are not only tyrannical, abusive and a threat to our unalienable rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but they also are financially killing our economy. The Departments of Education, Drug Enforcement, Housing and Urban Development, Energy and the BLM are outside of the enumerated powers and need to be eliminated. Regulations from the Department of Environmental Protection are also being used to steal property, kill our people, their livelihoods and the energy sector and deny America energy independence in an all of the above energy policy where the free market decides. So this is both an economic issue and an issue of restoring our individual liberty.

I was asked what we should be talking about to the American people. I say speak of the cornerstone of what has made America great, liberty. Our country was founded on the concept of liberty and it empowered the American people to rise from thirteen colonies declaring independence from the most powerful empire to becoming the greatest nation the world has ever known. Focus on the vision of bringing peace through strength and ending the never ending cycle of war. Focus the attention of the American people on building our economic strength to enable us to rebuild not only our neighborhoods but our military and our space program as well. Paint a vision of a country united pushing the boundaries of human imagination. Unleash the American spirit to soar by protecting liberty, restoring faith in the government by not sacrificing liberty for security and ending the unconstitutional practices that infringe on our liberty. Remember what Benjamin Franklin said,” Those willing to sacrifice liberty for security deserve neither.” Stop treating the American people like criminals and the enemy and focus on real threats to our security.

I was asked what I thought of the Republican leadership in the Senate. Here I agree with Donald Trump these politicians have been all talk and no action. They along with the House Republicans have enabled Obama’s lawlessness by not blocking his actions. They have abrogated their responsibilities and emboldened Obama’s actions. They have not used the power of the purse or done anything to stop the transformation of our great country. The Congress has also abandoned its constitutional authority over monetary policy to the Federal Reserve. I thought it was right that the Fed was called out at the end of the last debate. The Fed should be audited, disbanded with the power being returned to the Congress and all Federal Reserve officials should be held accountable for their actions and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.

I was asked what I thought about the presidential campaign. I think it needs to focus on speaking about what made America great in the first place. That liberty and the free market capitalist economy is what drove innovation and changed the world for the better. Detail how we’re going to cut government size, scope and cost and enable liberty to flourish. This is what will lead to peace, harmony prosperity and the rebirth of the American republic and all it stands for. Talk about how strength through diversity helped make American exceptionalism possible with the empowerment that liberty unleashed. We need to talk about uniting the American people against the divisive narrative the government and the media are using to weaken us.

Finally I was asked if there was any big idea that should be focused on. I believe that when it is all said and done that Liberty is what made America great. The power must be transferred back to the people and the states. The federal government needs to be cut back down to the size intended by our constitution. It’s time to end the political elite class and return the government and our hard earned money back to the people. Let the spark of liberty ignite and consume the hearts and minds of the American people and spread across this land. Let’s return the government back to its rightful place as a servant of the true rulers of this land, the American people. Ensure that we use education to teach the American people our founding values and principles. That is the only way we can once again become the guardians of our republic and ensure that it never again escapes the chains of the constitution meant to bind it.

The Path To Winning The War For Liberty

Posted in Liberty, Politics, Unalienable Rights with tags , , , , , on October 2, 2016 by authorcarloscardoso


America needs to realize that all the forces of power are aligned behind Hillary Clinton. This video that can be found at the link here , just reinforces the truth that the media is complicit with Hillary and the evil cabal of elitist, statist tyrants who will do anything to remain in power. They fear Trump because they cannot control him. America needs to be vigilant. They will stop at nothing to stop and destroy Trump.

He isn’t nor can he be the savior of the republic, which is our responsibility. Benjamin Franklin said when asked what system of government we had been given through the constitution replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” Clearly Franklin knew the dangers that could and would face our country. More importantly his prophetic warning echoes loudly now more than ever through time. The American people as the true masters of the limited government laid out in our constitution have the responsibility to be vigilant and protect the republic from the tyrants and usurpers.

We have reached the point where we must unite and question everything the government and the media tells us boldly as Thomas Jefferson told us to. This presidential campaign and election process must be watched under intense scrutiny lest we allow our precious republic to be stolen right from under our noses. Clinton must be defeated and the will of the people must not be subjugated by a rigged election system. We must ensure the integrity of the election process so there is no question that the people’s choice is respected and followed.

We must look for our information through alternative sources other than the main stream media propagandists. We must also ensure the hidden stories buried under the statist narratives are exposed. We need to bring to light the stories of the cowboys and ranchers who are being mistreated. In what is incredibly ironic is at the same time we must ensure that the injustice being perpetrated against the Native Americans is also told. We must by our words keep these stories alive until the media has no choice but to cover them and enlighten the American people to the tyranny we are being exposed to.

It is our responsibility, those of us who are awake and aware to shine the light of truth in the dark corners where the tyrants are hiding their secrets. We must take all the lawless actions of our government from the darkness and into the light of day so that all Americans can see what is going on. The usurpations of our liberties, the use of coercion, force and murder all to keep gathering more power to enslave us must be shared. Americans must be awakened from the modern day bread and circuses distraction strategy used so effectively by the Romans as their republic was fundamentally transformed leading to its destruction. This we see being done today in the form of government handouts, bread and the constant distraction of technology, circuses.

They have also used our education system against us as many Americans have no idea what the founding principles and values are that our forefathers fought for in creating this country. Liberty built upon the self evident truths proclaimed in our Declaration of Independence that we are all endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights has been slowly eroded over time. The American people have been indoctrinated to believe we are a nation of laws when that is a gross misrepresentation of the truth. We are a nation of sovereign individuals free to pursue righteous liberty under Nature’s Law. This is what has made America great.

Make no mistake we are in the midst of a war for our very independence and keeping both our national and individual sovereignty. The war has been begun by the actions of our own government which is supposed to serve us. They like our British government before them have shed the first blood of patriots and innocents. Yet the war can only be won through education and reawakening an enlightenment of the American people. United we are many and we are strong. We must come together and claim what is rightfully ours and be a shining example for the whole world to see.

The task is a difficult and arduous path for there are many who do not see or understand. Others who do not wish to see the gathering evil and then there are the others who are complicit in the usurpations of our liberty and the ushering in of tyranny. We must all individually raise our voices loudly, proudly and without fear. Our cause is just and ultimately we are merely working to restore the Creator’s will in establishing a world where righteous liberty leads to humanity evolving to its highest potential.

Righteous liberty is the pursuit of the Creator’s initial gift to humanity of free will. The key component in reaching this enlightened state is understanding what righteous liberty entails. It requires first of all responsibility, understanding that our actions or inactions in our pursuit of happiness will have consequences that we as individuals must face. We all come into the world with nothing and the world owes us nothing. What we accomplish is up to us and nobody else. Second it entails understanding the limitations of liberty. Our right to liberty means we can do as we wish as long as it does not infringe on the rights of any other individual and as long as it does not break Nature’s Law, which is criminal activity. Finally we must understand that liberty by definition must embrace tolerance. This means regardless of our moral, religious, political or any other belief system we care to use as an example, others are free to pursue happiness as they see fit. Self governance which is true righteous liberty means we do not judge others. That is left to the individual and the rightful judge our Creator.

So I urge you to educate yourself and all the others you can. I urge you to embrace your unalienable rights and speak out loudly, proudly and without fear knowing that our cause is just. I call upon you to be a shining example by living a life pursuing righteous liberty and uniting, knowing that our differences pale in comparison to our shared values and intended destiny.. I ask that you look inside your heart, listen to your soul and have faith that Divine Providence will once again look with favor and bless us in our endeavors. Lastly I ask you to be strong and understand that love is more powerful than hate, that light overcomes darkness and liberty as our intended birthright will overcome tyranny if you commit to doing your part to ensure that all of the sacrifices made by our founding fathers were not in vain.