Archive for August, 2018

The Russia Narrative and the Cover Up of the Crimes of the Accusers

Posted in CIA, DOJ, FBI, NSA, President Trump, Presidential Election, Russian Collusion, The Media with tags , , , , on August 20, 2018 by authorcarloscardoso

Trump Putin Summit

The entire premise of Russian interference in the United States election along with collusion is a ruse and a lie. I invite you to read Jules Kunofsky’s Facebook post titled RANT: So Read Them Their Rights Already. This was an unprecedented abuse of power during a domestic political election. But first let me talk about Russia and my assertion that the accusations by the US Intelligence community are fictitious.

A little history to help you understand my perspective on Russia. On August 17, 1961 my parents boarded a plane in Havana and flew to New Orleans fleeing Communist rule. My mother cried from the house to the airport knowing they were leaving everything they had to seek liberty for themselves and their almost 9-month-old son. That’s how I ended up in the United States, underwent the naturalization process and became an American citizen by choice.
So back to Russia from my above-mentioned background I have no love for Russia nor reason to trust their declarations of innocence. Unfortunately, the facts don’t bear out the false narrative which has been perpetuated in the media and blamed on the so-called Deep State. First the only thing true about the term deep state is that it refers to the roots of tyranny in our government but the notion that its rogue agents buried in the bureaucracy of the federal government including the intelligence community, the FBI and the DOJ alone is a false narrative.
Here’s a link to an article with John McAfee’s opinion on the allegations that the Russians did it below. You can decide for yourself but it sounds like common sense to me. What good is a capability to hack computer systems if you leave behind forensic evidence of the tampering. The key is to not only not incriminate yourself but manipulate the data to make it look like somebody else did it something the NSA, CIA and their accomplices are extremely capable of doing.
The truth is the conspiracy runs deeper but is also aided and abated by the establishments of both parties. They are pawns of the globalists who control the levers of power. The signs of collusion of both parties has been quite especially their reactions to the news conference in Helsinki with Vladimir Putin. The fact that President Trump has reservations about the truth as reported by the NSA, CIA and all the other connected agencies is reasonable given the way he has been treated.
This is all part of a racketeering case involving the highest levels of government. The Uranium One deal was treasonous in giving aid to the enemy in this case giving them 20% of our uranium while members of our government profited from the granting of the transaction receiving money in return for approving the deal. This fits the legal definition of racketeering as you can see by the following link.
This criminal enterprise includes people in all branches of government along with the Federal Reserve and the CIA which is guilty of crimes against the American People. This time it is an attempted coup to overturn the will of the people, the rightful masters of government. The irony of the situation is that the FBI, DOJ are corrupt and those pursuing the work of the Special Counsel are themselves the criminals that should be exposed and brought to justice.
The truth is coming out in drips and drabs thanks to the work of Judicial Watch and Tom Fitton pursuing Freedom Of Information Act requests. Another thing to realize as we need to change the paradigm of what we are looking at is that the DOJ is not responding willfully and that falls on Jeff Sessions. So, we must realize that Republican versus Democrats is just an illusion. The real dividing line in America is whether you are a globalist who seeks the downfall of American sovereignty and the imposition of tyranny or a patriot who seeks to spread the flame of liberty across this land.
Below I have added one additional link to a letter from some members of Congress to Jeff Sessions and Christopher Wray to investigate James Comey, Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch and many others involved in the Russian Collusion investigation. Their lack of response especially given the handling of the FOIA requests and ignoring this request shows how compromised our DOJ and the FBI are. The narrative of the deep state is to distract us from the fact that the establishment of both parties are accomplices to the crimes committed and being covered up by the Mueller investigation. It is time to begin an investigation of who is responsible for the hijacking of the government of the American People and let justice and liberty be restored and those responsible for this heinous crime be brought to justice.

Click to access criminal-referral.pdf