Archive for February, 2018

The Media Propaganda On The Gun Control Debate

Posted in Inalienable Rights, Parkland School Shooting, Propaganda, The Media, Tyranny with tags , , , , , , on February 25, 2018 by authorcarloscardoso


The media in collusion with the deep state controlled government is now exploiting children to further their narrative. They demand that the president ban assault weapons and limit the size of magazines available to the law abiding citizens of this country. This supposedly would end school shootings. They say and rightly so that never again should a child die because we have the power to stop it. The truth is that we do have the power to stop children from dying at school but the solution has nothing to do with gun control. Unfortunately the globalists use these tragedies for propaganda purposes. They will be manipulated and used as a tactic to sway the people to willingly give up their liberty. This last school shooting both the FBI and local law enforcement made a series of choices allowing this tragedy to unfold yet where is the outrage about that?

People need to understand that the grief of these children, their parents, families and communities needs to be allowed to run its course not chart our country’s path. The media showcases these people to give their narrative of gun control a platform while exploiting these children to manipulate our emotions. Liberty must always be considered to be of paramount importance especially in matters of security and should never be handled by an emotional response. Ironically these people who demonize the president and the police would actually argue that the president should take away gun ownership rights because the police should have superior firepower to the ordinary citizen. How does that make any sense when the police have been demonized as racist killers and in this case clearly did nothing to prevent it?

The truth is the solution is to engineer the hazard out by controlling access into the school to secure points, fortifying the classroom doors and windows so they are impenetrable. An automated security system locking the doors tied to the local police department would control the situation until the police can arrive. The immediate aftermath of the September 11th hijacking led to the fortification of the cockpit door in commercial airliners and frankly that should have been enough but it wasn’t the end. Why do you think the passage of the Patriot Act which was an assault on our liberties went unquestioned? It was because the globalists were counting on the emotional response of the American people to rally around our government.

The media propaganda cries for gun control, that we must destroy the NRA and all of its supporters blaming evil gun owners and supporters of our inalienable rights to self defense. It is a strategy of demonization, division and ultimately a tyrannical plot to control us. We must not be fooled but instead if we want to make a difference we should secure our schools and hold our law enforcement agencies accountable.  In this last shooting the inaction of law enforcement was inexcusable. Warnings were ignored at several layers of law enforcement that could have prevented this tragedy. The final outrage is that trained and armed officers stayed outside with shots being fired in a school refusing to enter and engage the assailant while teachers and children were dying. So given these facts the logical conclusion is to disarm the people and let the government protect us? That is absurd and in a vacuum devoid of emotion even a child could tell you that.

The State of the Union

Posted in DOJ, FBI, FISA courts, Inalienable Rights, State of The Union Speech, Tyranny with tags , , , , , on February 2, 2018 by authorcarloscardoso

Trump State of The Union

We just heard the State of the Union speech by the President to define the state our country is in, the strides that have been made and the vision moving forward. The President said “The state of our union is strong because the American people are strong” and he is right. However I think the state of our union is under siege and the releasing of the memo about the FBI and the DOJ using the unconstitutional FISA courts to spy on American citizens needs to be released. The truth goes much deeper than anyone will admit but it’s time for the American people to awaken and reclaim our stolen liberties.

The fact that we are all under constant surveillance a brazen theft of our inalienable right to privacy is outrageous and those who do it must be held to account for their crimes. Those who aided and abetted these operations are also guilty and how high does that list go. The globalist anti-American traitors are powerful and well positioned but they work in the shadows and that’s because the light exposes truths that are undeniable when seen clearly in the light of day. This is why our very institutions are in fear because they are about to be revealed for what they are and the dominoes will inevitably fall.

This problem needs to be cleaned from top to bottom with those who felt themselves superior, tyrants, their enablers to their lackeys who try to rob us all of our individual inalienable right to pursue happiness as we see fit. Liberty can only flourish when government is small and accountable to the people who are their rightful masters. The truth is that many need to be purged from this monstrosity to cut it down to the proper size and scope in our lives. America must look to the example of Calvin Coolidge who cut the government by two thirds and spurred prosperity not only for financial gain this time but to restore something more precious, our individual liberty.

It is only when the righteous stand patriotically against a government and its agencies that threaten us yet don’t take it so well when people stand up and don’t cower in fear. Good people are being targeted and some have been jailed and even killed for simply speaking up and standing their ground which we hold sacred as Americans. Can this be the moment when the tides and currents of history change? Will America look back to our roots and our foundations and find the intestinal fortitude to fight to secure the blessings of liberty for ourselves and our posterity?

The draining of the swamp will not be easy or cheap as the tyrants will fight to preserve their places and their plans. Yet as George Washington hoped if the people retain their cherishing of liberty then only good things and happiness can be our destiny. This is the time and the place for this generation to face the challenge and ensure that liberty may not perish from the face of this Earth. That is our task, our sacred honor to uphold our inalienable right to liberty and self governance and defeat the globalist tyrants once and for all.